A collection of my rambles throughout the ages. This website serves primarily as an archive, so expect new stories to pop up anywhere within the list, not just at the end. I've done a lot of these and recording each of them is gonna take time.
STORIES NOT STORIES LISTED BY DATE- Laundry Story (1) [SEPTEMBER 10th, 2022. 9:13 AM UTC-5]
- Wasp Lettuce Story [SEPTEMBER 11th, 2022. 11:03 AM UTC-5]
- Citizen Kane Rant [SEPTEMBER 13th, 2022. 8:15 PM UTC-5]
- Radio Silence Story [APRIL 27th, 2023. 12:42 PM UTC-5]
- Laundry Story (2) [APRIL 28th, 2023. 9:08 PM UTC-5]